Sunday, February 21, 2010


We havent posted in like three months so we are sorry about that, but things are going well

Some of my thoughts:
Right now we really need a bigger house because we only have one bathroom and i have to sleep with Lydia at the time. Homeschooling is okay, it is kinda hard since we arent completely organized and we dont get along so personally i think its hard. Every single time Luke moves like once i freak out and then get in trouble which leads to me being mad for the rest of the day.Yes this is all my falt but i am trying to be better. Well i guess thats all.


Nathanael's birthday is tomorrow and he is turning 14. Well HAPPY BIRTHDAY NATHANAEL!!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Lymans are Leaving Africa

The Lymans leave Africa later today.
We are leaving our great little apartment (pictured- sort of- above) on the Groenkloof campus of the University of Pretoria for the very last time. We will say thank you to the security guards at the front gate for the last time and head for the O. R. Tambo International Airport for the grueling 17 hour flight to DC.
We could not have asked for a better year. We will miss so much: the people, the landscape, the animals, etc. We are amazed at what a great experience this has been for our family. (Mike)

It has been a year that is difficult to express in words. We will never forget this place or the people we have grown to love. We will miss so many things about Africa, but have learned so much by being here. We have been in Africa for almost a year and now, as we leave, Africa will forever be in us. (Amy)
Well it's been a geat year after all, none of us got mugged. My favortie thing has to have been the animals and doing all these Be-Awesome things. Like rappeling, hiking, horse riding, canoeing, rugby, soccer, mountin climbing,swimming, growing, and last and scariest getting charged by elephants THREE TIMES!!! Other than that it has been pretty much a 10 month Scout camp. I will miss it here but i wont miss the candy AMERICAN CANDY ROCKSSS!!!!!! But i will miss black people. (Try to guess who posted this)

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Cape Town Trip [Amy]

The previous pictures are of our amazing two week trip to Cape Town, which is possibly the most beautiful city I have ever been to. The itinerary consisted of among other things:
Augrabies Waterfalls
Namaqua National Park (carpets of wildflowers)
Citrusdal Warm Baths (natural hot springs)
Robben Island (where Nelson Mandela was imprisioned for 19 years)
Cape of Good Hope-souther most point in Africa
Gemsbok -"pretty much my favorite animal"
Cape Town Harbor, Table Island
Whale Watching in Hermanus
King Protea flowers as big as Luke's head (that's big)
Great fun had by all.
We are trying to do as much as we can in the few weeks we have left here! See you soon!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Ezekiel and Lydia's Poem

I'm Making a List by Shel Silverstein

I'm making a list of the things I must say...
for politeness,

And goodness and kindness

and gentelness,sweetness and rightness Hello Pardon me How are you? Excuse me

Bless you
May I?
Thank you
If you know some that I've forgot, please stick them in your eye!

Friday, July 31, 2009

Pictures of Drakensburg Mountains and Wild Coast [Amy]

More Pictures! [Amy]

More African Adventures [Amy]

Sorry that we haven't posted anything in a while, busy with school and church I guess. We were able to go on another wonderful adventure the first two weeks of June, as well as spending an amazing week in Kruger National Park in July. The pictures speak for themselves so other than giving you the itinerary, I will just let you enjoy the pics.

We spent a week in the Drakensburg Mountains which run along the easter border of Lesotho. They are spectacular. We hiked and canoed, heard the famous "Drakensburg Boys Choir" give the most amazing vocal concert I have ever heard, and genuinely had an amazing time. We spent several nights in a "rondavel," a traditional African round house with a thatched roof. We were on a rance in the middle of nowhere, all by ourselves. The stars here are indescribable. While at the ranch, we went on a all day horseback ride into the mountains. We saw eland and some amazing scenery. Then it was on to Durbin, along the coast for a waterpark and aquarium. Very fun. After that, we spent a week along what is known as the "Wild Coast." And wild it is. Very undeveloped, rocky shores, beautiful beaches. We stayed at this dirt cheap "backpackers," which turned out to be our own cottage overlooking the ocean! Truly one of the best weeks of my life. Other than my third bout of intestinal problems due to bad water and a weak stomach, it was a great trip.

In July we went to Kruger National Park. There really aren't words to describe such a place. It is not a "park" like so many other places but truly just wild Africa. It is bigger that the state of Maryland and has 100,000's of animals. We saw the Big 5, including a leapord which alludes many. We had some really scary moments with large female elephants-there are a lot of babies right now and the moms and aunts are VERY protective. It is a bad combination because the babies are curious. One came right up to our car and put his trunk in my window. His Mom didn't like that much and we found ourselves sitting very still while three full grown elephants were within touching distance outside our window deciding whether or not to roll our car off the road. Did you know elephants can growl? They can, I heard them!!! It was fantastic.

The wildlife here has been a real treat for us, but for me it is the people I love the most. I have never met such wonderful people. They are all struggling to turn this country into something great, and they will, there are just a lot of growing pains right now. Enjoy the pictures!