Monday, April 27, 2009

Our First Rugby Game [Nathanael]

We went to our first rugby game on Saturday (and I have to say football players are the biggest wimps in sports history I don't think I will be able to watch another football game in my life.) The game we went to was the New Zeland Chiefs vs. The Vodacom Blue Bulls. They were playing at Loftus Feild which is barely a step up from the Roman Colluseum. You couldn't meet a more devoted fanbase anywhere in America. They were CRAZY you can tell they like their rugby. A few weeks back we saw a guy dancing around in his underwear waving a Blue Bulls flag I dont think I have ever seen an Eagles or Phillies fan do THAT!!!! The bulls won and during the last ten minutes it started raining. That didn't stop them they just kept going till the end. We walked to our car amig they estatic supporters and got home deciding this was a pretty wicked cool expirience.

*(the translatoin of the signs we are holding is my blood is blue and bulls are great)*

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