Sunday, May 17, 2009

Sarah's update from South Africa

So far in South Africa it has been okay but I still miss you guys. Happy Birthday Audrey!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you had an awesome party and had fun. I'm sorry I missed it. Love ya. Hi to all my other friends. I miss church and miss our primary. It is very differant and not a lot of people in our ward our very musically talented so it is pretty rough. I can't wait to get back home, Sarah.


vfg said...

I'll have to show this to Audrey! She's famous :).

Unfortunately, Sarah, we had to postpone her party...continuing the Goates tradition of winning the medical lottery, we just found out that Reuben has cancer & we were in the hospital for chemo on the planned day, so Audrey decided to wait until I could come (more cancer details on my blog for nurse Amy)

Miss you!
love, V

Elise and Lane said...

Thanks for the update! Can't believe it's almost time for you guys to come home!