Friday, June 19, 2009

Crime in South Africa [Amy]

We knew when we came here that crime was a part of every day life. We have prayed hard and been diligent in acting safely. We also have been greatly blessed and often feel prompted as to where to go when and where not to go. Aside from now two instances where somehow, someone has managed to get our credit card numbers, (while we are in possesion of the cards), and use those numbers to go on shopping sprees, we have had no run in with crime what so ever. I am grateful for this. Crime is here though and often we hear stories at church of muggings, attacks, etc. The people we know who have experienced violent crime first hand have an amazing spirit of perseverance. Hailey has an 18 year old girl friend who has lost 4 cell phones at knife point, walking to and from school, in the past year. As a mother, I'm not even sure how to process that.
I taught a lesson in church about Adversity and the saving grace of Charity. A young woman shared an incident where she was dragged behind some bushes while walking to work. The man took everything she had of value and then she asked him if she could go. He explained, in not so nice words, that he wasn't finished with her yet. She glanced down into her purse and saw a bag of chips that was supposed to be her breakfast. She handed them to the man and asked him if he wanted them. He looked at her very suprised and said, " Why are you giving these to me?" She answered, " Well, I just figured you were probably hungry." The man took the chips and ran off, leaving her physically unharmed. Every day I am able to think about all that I have and be grateful. I am also grateful and amazed at the people in this country who are hungry, who are choosing not to steal and mug. But I am also mindful of those who don't know what else to do. I am working to have compassion for both.
South Africa is buzzing with soccer fever. The Confederation Cup is taking place here in Pretoria as we speak with the World Cup coming here in 2010. In all of South Africa's wisdom and welcoming hospitality, crime has hit the front pages once again. The entire Egypt's soccer team's hotel rooms were broken into while they played Italy the other night. Thousands of dollars of personal belongings were stolen. Clearly an inside job, much like it is when your credit card is compromised by a dishonest teller. I don't know what the SA government plans to do about the Egypt incident, but soccer is big here, and this country needs people to come for the World Cup. Not a great start.
In a strange sort of way, this post is really about how much we love it here. There is a lot of hope within the bad things you hear about. I have never experienced hunger, hopelessness, illiteracy, apartheid, or anything close to some of these set backs. What a great blessing it is to know people who have, to be able to witness how they deal with it, and to recognize that there are people all over the world, who every day put one foot in front of the other, even when someone will kick them back to their starting point before their head hits the pillow, if they have a pillow.

1 comment:

Sherry said...

Thanks for sharing. It makes us more grateful to hear you describe the situations elsewhere.