Sunday, March 1, 2009

Activity Updates [Amy]

The pictures are of some recent activities. We had the young single adults from our congregation over for dessert and Family Home Evening, a weekly activity we do in our church. They are an incredible bunch of people- all working hard and going to school to raise themselves up, very impressive. We also had the youth group over to swim and eat lunch. It was a lot of fun. Michael has been asked to teach a class at church on Marraige and Family Relationships, and I have been asked to teach in the women's group called Relief Society, as well as play the piano. Somehow this ward has decided that I am musical. I know I am somewhat, but I fear I may also be asked to play the organ in our church service as our organist moves next week. Yikes!!! Haven't ever played the organ, help Joan and Brian Help! I will be contacting you if indeed they call me to do this. I did get to lead the youth choir in singing the EFY medley last week in church. It is a beautiful song and the youth did extremely well. It had been planned for quite some time to have them sing without any arrangements being made for a pianist or a conductor. I was just at the building on the wed. before they performed and agreed to conduct. We had to use a CD for accompiament, but it sounded great.
We had an amazing weekend. We went camping for the first time at a place called Pilanesburg National Park. I will post pictures this week of our safari sightings, you won't believe it. Zoos have officially been ruined for the Lyman family. Seeing a wild animal when he can't see you is quite an experience. More on that later, as I need to go to bed. As a homeschooling update, we finished Chaucer and start on Shakespeare tomorrow. The play's the thing!! We love you all, take care.


1 comment:

Joan said...

I would never fit in there. Do you see all the girl's Nails???? Wow, they look great! and sharp!
Love seeing the pictures of the fam.
Amy, make Mike take the next one so we can see you!!! lol (I never go on vacation either!!)

Miss you. Lets get together ya, ya, ya.