Sunday, March 1, 2009

The entire Lyman Family ran in the University of Pretoria 21K, 10K, and 5K race on the 21st of February. The picture at the right is us after the race. Actually nobody ran in the 21K- which is a half marathon, for those of you less familiar with the metric system- but Michael ran in the 10K and all the rest ran in the 5K. Well, Lydia actually rode in the stroller, which doesn't really qualify as running. Dad finished his 10K in about 54 minutes, Hailey finished her 5K in 24 minutes, Nathanael finished his 5K in 34 minutes, Sarah finished hers in 50 minutes, Luke finished in 33 minutes, and Mom and Lydia came in a bit later than the rest of us. :)
Big props go out to Hailey who finished sixth overall and third among the women and got a special medal for her finish. Who knew that along with volleyball, basketball, and field hockey, she was also a cross country runner. She and Mike run about 5K most mornings and apparently the training paid off.

South Africans take their running seriously. There is at least a 10K and 5K race every Saturday just in Pretoria almost all year round- and if you want to, you can go down to Johannesburg and run in a race every weekend on Sunday. Running is big here.


Elise and Lane said...

Way to go Lyman family! Very impressive! So fun to see an entire family of runners! And tell Ezekiel I miss being his "sitter" also!

sgraham said...

Great Job you guys. It's so neat that the whole family can participate!

Dorlisa said...

Look at this fit family!