Saturday, March 7, 2009

The Dung Beetle

This is a dung beetle.
This is Lydia's poem about a dung beetle:
"The Dung Beetle"
by Lydia Lyman

"This is a big beetle.
He’s have a big ball
Rolling of poop."
And here is a video of the same dung beetle rolling his poop...


Dorlisa said...

Impressive! That bug really moves! So what is the purpose and benefit of this bug rolling the dung? Do they roll it to build shelter??? Does the Dung Beetle help to break down the manure in regards to environmental cycle??? Yep, I am very curious about this fast moving bug!

Joan said...

Jackie really enjoyed reading Lydia's poem. We also enjoyed seeing your video. Mike, you should of stood still to see if that quick beetle could have rolled his poo over your shoe!

thank you for sharing these precious family building experiences with the rest of us!

Barnes said...

HEY LYMANS!!!!! WE MISS YOU SOOO MUCH!It has not been the same without you guys. Lydia your poem sounds better then half the ones i wrote. And Zeek dont worry we can share you are not missing too much and it has been hard without you at seminary. Nathanial, Luke, and Sarah we are saving up our energy to play soccer and spoons with you. And lastly we would love to go to the temple amy and mike when you get back. we have not yet got the pics but when we do we will be sure to email them. Love you guys!!!

goat said...

Interesting... I was just blogging about poop as well. Lydia and I are totally on the same wavelength.