Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Fun with Poppy and Freddie

On Saturday March 14th we went to lunch at the home of my colleague, Poppy Mashego. She and her husband, Freddie, had a braai for us. ("Braai" is the South African word for barbeque- but bargeque doesn't really do justice to the typical South African braai.) Freddie cooked us beef, lamb, pork ribs, chicken, boer wors (South African sausages), greens, rice, green beans, salad, coleslaw, and we ate and at and ate. A family from Trinidad and Tobago joined us as well. It was a very international event, but very enjoyable as well. I would say that it was some of the best food I have had since coming here and the best socializing I have done in a long time.

The kids and Mike ran in our second race on Saturday also- The Sunrise Monster. It truly was a monster. The hilliest 5K any of us have ever done. We all ran a 5k. Amy was supposed to run in it, but decided to be a hostess to the 10 young single women from church that spent the night at our house. So Mike took her place doing the 5K, and actually only the older 4 ran. This is how the we placed in the race- same as the last time- Michael, Hailey, Luke, Nathanael, and Sarah. Very fun race. We will certainly do more.

Another camping trip this weekend, so look for more animal pictures- and maybe even dung beetles.

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