Sunday, February 1, 2009

Interactive homeschool quiz and reading list [Amy]

Hello everyone!
Sorry it has been a while since I posted anything, and at Nathan’s request, here are some interactive posts. First, the kids are working on their first Language Arts assignment, which was to choose a biography of their choice from the library, read it, and write a 1-2, 2-3, or 3-5 page paper depending on age. Last week we had a “lecture” by me on the correct form of a paper, (introductory paragraph, thesis statement etc.). The kids were enthralled, HAH!! Anyway, here is a little contest. I will list the four biographies that the older four chose and the four kids, and the first person to correctly post which kid chose which will win a shout out! Now that’s exciting!
Biographies were:
Princess Diana
Albert Einstein
The Wright Brothers

Kids are:
Our reading selections for the year are as follows for those who care:
Chaucer’s Cantebury Tales
Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice
Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels
Stevenson’s Treasure Island
Kipling’s Just So Stories
Dickens’ Great Expectations
Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men and Grapes of Wrath
Courtenay’s The Power of One
I’ll let you know when we are reading what if you want to read along.
The Happy Homeschooling starts officially tomorrow! Wish us luck!!!


Joan said...

Was wondering where you were??
In honor of your postings, Jackie made some rice crispie treats tonight. Mike - sorry you couldn't have one. They are actually pretty good!!
AMY - why didn't you tell me you were going to call, and I would have taken the phone in the shower with me. haha

So, here's my guesses:
Hailey - Princess Di
Nathanael - Napoleon
Sarah - Albert Einstein
Luke - the Wright Brothers

Good luck!
I'm going to try to download some pics taken during your "farewell party"!

Joan said...

I downloaded the pics from your 'Farewell' Party on Flickr.

Here is the site. You should just be able to click and go.
I'm still kind of new at all this techno stuff.

Let me know if you can see them. Love you and Miss you!

Joan said...

You can just go to my Blog and click on the link.
It works from there.

goat said...

So did Joan get it right?

I can't really guess...but I think someone should do a biography of Keynes in honor of the imminent stimulus plan (if it were a movie, it would be rated NC-17...or just leave a lot to the imagination, which may be worse).

Did I just write that?

Ok, so I'll make a guess after all.

Hailey - Einstein
Nathanael - Princess Di (ugh!)
Sarah - the Wrights (cyclists first, pilots seconds)
Luke - Napoleon

Joan said...


Amy said I had 2 out of 4, so I will guess again.

Hailey - Albert Einstein
Nathanael - Napoleon
Sarah - Princess Di
Luke - the Wright Brothers

I didn't go into the bldg tonight, so I didn't see Jill. After tomorrow's homework assignments are in, (well they are due at 11:59 pm, so maybe not til Friday) I'll give her a call and tell her to find you here.

goat said...

Luke - Einstein
Sarah - the brothers Wright
Nathanael - Napoleon
Hailey - Princess Di

Dorlisa said...

Wow, school sounds like fun! Amy, I give that same lesson on correct format of the paper ... but to university students! Anyway, I think I might try to get a few of these books and read along with you all:) It will work as a good procrastination tool for avoiding my dissertation!