Friday, January 23, 2009

Driving in South Africa [Amy]

Well besides the bank account being wiped out, our greatest excitement so far is driving here and the process of buying a car. As you know we settled for a 7 seater volkswagon that will require great patience on the part of all of us because it is tight quarters. 8 seaters and above especially "Kombi's" which are large Volkwagon vans are used as taxis here, so when you own one you are at risk for two behaviors when you stop at a stop light. First, someone you don't know may try to get in your car because they need a ride somwhere, or second, someone may ask you to get out of your car because now it is theirs because they have the gun. The first behaviour would be fine with us, the second one propelled us to buy a smaller car. Now to get the car registered in your name..... Well, someone you know calls someone they know to call someone they know, to have that someone meet you at your home. Which he did, just to chat etc. We finally asked him what he did for a living and would not have been at all suprised had he said the South African Mafia. But, apparently he's just a nice South African bloke who helps foreigners buy cars because the law here is odd and hard to maneuver. At least that's what they tell us. I really don't know, you really don't have a choice but to go with it. It is interesting because there used to be a lot of laws on the books that discrimminated against black Africans. So, the black Africans, not trusting the white Africans, found ways around them via a "black market." Now with aparteid lifted, you have both black and white Africans in positions of power, but the white Africans do not trust the black Africans, so they make ways around things. It's funny how what goes around comes around. All I know is that we pay a guy a certain amount of Rand and then we own the car-I hope, or something like that. This is a country for trusting the Spirit and going with the flow, Certainty is not a part of every day life. But a maid is!!! Just came home from grocery shopping to a perfect house. Mike is concerned about my spoiledness level, as housework was not a forte of mine to begin with.
I ventured out alone with the kids today to grocery shop. When you drive here, you are sitting on the right side of the car, with the stick shift, (all the cars here are standard), in your left hand, and you are driving on the left side of the road. It is nuts, but I am getting the hang of it. Thak you to everyone that has posted, hopefully more will, it is really fun for the kids. We are loving it, this week has felt like a month, but time will heal all wounds I'm sure. Take care.


sgraham said...

I have to say that I really admire your bravery to try this new situation. I don't know that I could do something like that. Wow!

Joan said...

I've always wanted to drive on the wrong side of the road, (legally). haha
Don't know that I would like to be in your new situation, like Steph says, but while you are there, hope you see and learn alot.
Get a leash! I'm still worried about you guys.

Love you, Joan

Sherry said...

It all sounds so amazing! Oh, and can you send a maid my way? School is taking over and the house is driving me mad!

jccj said...

Sounds like each day is a new adventure. Jonathan has sent some emails to Natanael.


Neita and Nate said...

We are following your adventures and enjoy hearing about the experiences.

mattguy said...

I just wrote a comment and lost it! Crud! Oh well, this is Uncle Matt and I love this blogsite. I'm going to get one of my own and start some conspiracy theories like bottlenose dolphins are secretly controlling the planet for the good. Ha Ha! I still don't understand how the bad guys got your money, but maybe you will explain it to me sometime. Everyone looks like they are having a great time. It's summer there! What a blast! Here's a South African research project/trivia question = What musician wrote a song about a South African freedom fighter. Who was the freedom fighter, and who is the musician? (Hint - this musician dated an actress whose name is the title of a popular 80's song. She was in a movie with Madonna.) We love you. Keep us posted.


Matt, Hosana, Blake, Maya

Dorlisa said...

Wow, I think it has been a week since I've been on the site ... and lots of activity!! I always look forward to reading the posts by you, Michael and the kids.

I guess one could say that 'getting things done' is 'relational' :) From my travels in Central America, I can relate to much of the 'relational' process you describe.

I'm so right-handed, I cannot imagine having to shift with the left hand. Wait until you return to the States ... you will need to re-learn the 'right' way:)

You must be lovin' the easy access to all of the fresh food.

It is really incredible that the entire family gets to experience this adventure together because no matter how much detail you provide in stories, others cannot understand. So it is wonderful to have that understanding (without having to explain yourself to death) and experience with the fam!!

Best wishes with the start of home schooling next week! It will be neat to hear of the field trips asssociated with homeschooling.

Continue to enjoy coming home to a clean house:):):)!