Monday, January 19, 2009

!~! HAILEY !~!

Jenna and Kenna-

It was so awesome to hear from you guys. You guys are ballehs lol. I am so proud of how good you guys did but of course I knew you would win. Keep me updated on basketball stuff because it is very important to me. Just to let you know, all the pictures and cards everyone gave me are in my room so I see them everyday J
Even though it is hard to be away from the states, everything here we have encountered is way cool. The new cultures and things are so amazing. Also, the food is really yummy.
I hope you are enjoying school and all the drama involved lol. We haven’t started yet here and probably wont until the first of February. I cant wait to learn Afrikaans and tell you some when I get back. Woot. Well good luck with everything and tell everyone hi !!!



Jenna said...

Quick question hailey, would it be easier for me to leave you comments on here or email you to your email. and we are going to go away tomorrow to JB. and also it is snowing and laying here :) i miss you so much.... is it november yet?? ily. -jp

goat said...

Jenna & Kenna get shout-outs and nothing for me?!

I'm so disappointed...