Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Mailing update [Amy]

If you are sending letters, the address we gave at the party should be fine. If you are sending packages, here is what you should do. Send the packages through DHL, they are the most reliable company for South Africa, and send it to this address. If there is something of real value in the package, you may want to consider insuring it.

Send to:
Dr. Michael Lyman
University of Pretoria
Dept. of Social Work and Criminology
Humanities Building Room 10-11
Lynwood Road
0002 South Africa

Still don't own our car yet!!! What a funny country. Pictures of recent events coming soon! Love you all.


Elise and Lane said...

I'm so excited you guys have the blog! I just asked Val about it hoping you would have one! Can't wait to keep up with all your fun adventures!

goat said...

All y'all need to just throw on some open posts so that all us wannabes can have somewhere to talk about you all.

I mean, I want to say hey and all, but I don't really have anything to say about buying a car in South Africa or your shipping address.


So here's a topic for discussion: What books your kids should be reading during their stint with home-schooling. Can I suggest a reading list? Then we can read them together and discuss together.

vfg said...

(from Fran, who is visiting)
Hello to all. Still keeping you in my prayers. Miss you terribly. Mike,I hope there's no boa constrictors yet. Stay safe.
Love ya, Fran

Joan said...

Book Club Discussion via Blog.
What an idea.
Who is making the refreshments?? :)

You could always read my books this
semester: the Organization of Information -- Taylor; Management Basics for Information Professionals - Evans/Ward; or Everything is Miscellaneous -- Weinberger.
Makes for some fun dinner time conversations, NOT!

I know you guys are having more fun than me.
Lynn just flew out to Utah today for a week. Plant is having mandatory furloughs during Feb and March. then they'll see about April. His sister gave him a ticket, 1st class, no less. What's a Dad; brother; to do but go to UT!

Youth baptisms are next Saturday. We'll miss Hailey. I might even be able to go help since Jill is short some YW leaders!

Love you all and miss you.