Sunday, January 18, 2009

An up date of Sarah

Hi my friends Zoey, Audrey, Miranda, Olivia, Alexis, Hailey, Goates, and all my other friends out there. I been having a fun and relaxing time here in Sonuth Africa. We have been shopping a lot for the past few days for home supplies. There is a lot of different foods and places to try and go. I can't wait to start to homeschool with all my brothers and sisters aswell as my mom. Our house is not air conditioned so you can probally imagine how hot it is here. When it's 2 degrees in America and 90 in South Africa. Yesterday we went swimmming at the pool on campus. It was the best feeling I had since we got here. In the pool there was a living crab in one of the corners. We thought it was dead at first but it started to move and thought it was probally alive. My dad took Luke's sandals and picked up the crab and threw it in the grass. After that we were pretty sure it was dead. It was both cool and gross at the same time. I miss all of you and will be home before you know it.

With lots of love,

1 comment:

goat said...

Hi my friend Sara!