Saturday, January 17, 2009

Traveling to South Africa

Here we are with 16 suitcases and 14 carry- ons at the Johannesburg airport.


Dorlisa said...

I am happy to know that everyone arrived safely! What a great picture. Look at all of those smiles after a very long and tiring trip!

Jenna said...

Hey Hailey!!

Kenna and Jenna here. we miss you soo much!! We cant even wait til November. We beat bigspring! WOO HOO. We hope you have a great and safe trip. and also, we prayed for you before our northern game. and our varsity scored 72 points that game which was our goal for you. we didnt do it so they did. LOVE YOU L-DOG. <3

Unknown said...

Porter saw this picture and asked, "Is that a garage sale?"