Saturday, January 17, 2009


Greetings from South Africa! We arrived without trouble and are doing well. It is really hot here and our apartment is without air conditioning, but we are managing. We have done some shopping and gone swimming at the university. Tomorrow we will head to church. Animal sightings thus far include a gecko and a 2 inch cockroach, both in our apartment!!! We also saw some cool looking antelopes in a nature reserve today. It is beautiful here. We miss you all. Keep in touch.
-The Lymans


Dorlisa said...

We wouldn't mind some heat back here. It is a whoppin' 19 degrees Fahrenheit at the moment. I can imagine, though, how difficult it is to sleep when it is so hot.

Joan said...

HI Lyman,

I asked Nathan today if he had heard from you, and valerie said she saw your blog. I thought it wouldn't be up and running yet.
So glad to hear that you are all in one piece and doing well.

Looking forward to reading all about your experiences.
So, was a leash used during travels???
Love you and miss you!!!