Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Update from Amy

The jet lag continues to be somewhat hard and major thunder and lightning storms at night sometimes wake you when you finally have fallen asleep. Time should work that out. We met some wonderful neighbors who unfortunately leave tomorrow. They are from Belifeld in Germany where Mike used to live. Four kids around our kid's ages and very nice. They had us over last night to tell us the ins and outs before they leave, it was very helpful. We have bought from them a bike, a car seat, and a car!!! The car hunt is over. We will be making due with a mini van sort of thing that only seats 7. We have figured out a way to make the seat belts work and legally the car is allowed up to 12 people so... Large families do not exist here, and large cars are driven by the make-shift taxi companies and are old, unreliable on the road and stolen easily. It has been a roller coaster, but we are loving it. We have had a small incident with our ATM, people here apparently can hack into your account without your card and they did, but a friend in the states at our bank will work to make things right. Never a dull moment here. We have a beautiful patio where we can eat breakfast in the mornings before it gets hot. A picture of that will be posted as soon as my kids show me how to do it. Take care, we love you all and will post more soon.

1 comment:

goat said...

Speaking of car fun, I am lovingly curious what steps you're taking to sell the _other_ two cars you own...the ones that are currently under my stewardship. :-)

Send me an email or something... And let me know if you want me to take pictures, post on craigslist, whatever. Or, if you're going to take care of all that, do you have our phone numbers and that sort of thing? Anyway, just send me a note...